Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The importance of Jews to us as Gentiles?

A question came to me this Sunday in the Young Adults' Roman's class:
what are the benefits of hearing the problems & instructions Paul has to say to Jews, if we are not Jews ourselves?

Of course, it helps us to see the whole story of the Jews from the beginning to present. It also can be applicable to us because we have been grafted into Abrahams family tree. Sometimes its even important to understand them, because we may struggle with the same things... but do more reasons remain that God would address the Jews & expect us Gentiles to learn from it??

1 comment:

  1. GREAT question!

    Since Jews are the root or perhaps the tree and we are the branches, so to speak, we share some DNA. We must learn from both their successes and their failures. I think the particular application at the end of Romans 2 and the beginnig of Romans 3 is not to count on our religion to be right with God, but that is one of many lessons, and perhaps rather obvious.

    I'll save my additional thoughts for some time later, but I'm looking forward to having my friend Shlomo come visit us!

    BTW - Here's his blog: http://www.xanga.com/ps29v11

    You have to have a Xanga account to view it...
